About Us


The Ali ِAlBin Ali Group is a privately owned company, established in 1996 with the vision to provide quality international products and services to the people of Bahrain.

Today the Group is one of the largest retail and distribution companies in Bahrain and has a long-standing history of successful partnerships with the world’s leading brands across a diverse range of business activities. The Ali AlBin Ali Group is committed to the long-term development and strategic growth of the Group and it’s partners.



مجموعة علي البنعلي القابضة تأسست سنة 1996 برؤية تقديم خدمات متقدمة من خلال تقديم خدمات متميزة وبتسهيلات متقدمة لجميع منتجات المجموعة.

اليوم تحتل المجموعة مكانة كبرى بين مقدمي المنتجات المختلفة واستطاعت خلال فترة قياسية ان تقدم رؤيتها بخصوص تقديم منتجات عالية الجودة بتسهيلات ائتمانية متميزة. وما تزال المجموعة ملتزمة باستراتجيتها بخلق بيئة عمل مناسبة لجميع زبائنها.

AAB Mission

We will be the partner of choice for our customers, our suppliers and our people. We will deliver sustained growth. We will live the values of our organization.

سوف نبقى كأحد اهم الخيرات لزبائننا وموردينا وموظفبنا. وسوف نبقى نسعى لمواصلة تطور ونمو اعمالنا مع المحافظة على مبادئنا الهادفة بتقديم خدمات سهلة ومتناسقة.

Adding Fun

To be the partner of choice.

جوهر المجموعة ان تبقى خيارات زبائننا متاحة للمجموعة





To be the partner of choice.



We will be the partner of choice for our customers, our suppliers and our people. We will deliver sustained growth. We will live the values of our organization.



Service: Principals and customers, both internal and external, will all be treated to consistently high standards of service excellence. Total customer satisfaction is the result of a continuous focus on quality.

Honesty, integrity and trust: These three words govern the approach we take to everything we do. In how we deal with people; how we take decisions; and how we run our business.

Achievement: As achievers we are goal and results orientated, as we are passionate about success. We constantly challenge the status quo by being innovative and creative.

Respect: We will always treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves.

People: Happy and motivated people deliver results. We will create an environment where individuals and teams can flourish. We will appreciate effort and reward results. And we will create a learning organisation that encourages people development

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